WEBINAR - Intersections: Housing, Homelessness & Racism

May 14, 2024

Housing discrimination and homelessness intersect with race and racism in powerful and endemic ways in the US, and decades of history of unjust laws and practices make it more likely that people of color disproportionately experience homelessness and also various disparities on their path to getting and keeping housing. This training explores the history of housing discrimination and the importance of rectifying disparities and injustices in our work to end homelessness.
Facilitator: Jake Bradley (they/them), Training & Engagement Manager at the Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County
SHPA Members & IDHS SHP Grantees - FREE
(discount codes: "MEMBER" or "GRANTEE" please note the discount codes are case sensitive)
Non-Members or Non-Grantees - $50

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